Importing a maestro* key


To install additional modules or licenses users need a maestro* key. This key is a file provided by Maestro.

Users of maestro* do not need to quit maestro* to activate the key.



  • Maestro’s key



To import a maestro* key:

  1. Upon receiving the key, copy the file on the workstation and carefully note its access path.
  2. Open maestro* and select the relevant company.

The key will also change all other companies, if any.

  1. From maestro* main window (My Menu), click the Configuration icon located on the toolbar.
  2. Select Installation Options.
  3. In window Installation Options – Maestro Technologies 3.0X, click the icon Import a key.
  4. Select the file that was previously copied onto the workstation, in step 1, and click Open.
  5. Answer Yes to the question The items in bold will be added to your system when you click the Save button. Do you want to save the new key now?
  6. Look at the options that are available.

You can expand the hierarchical tree structure, left-hand pane of the window, by clicking the + sign to the left of the module’s name. Those modules that are available to the given installation are identified by a checkmark.

If you cannot see the newly installed options, verify first that the security settings in maestro* do give you access permission.

  1. Click the Quit icon.

Do not forget to delete the key that was copied on the workstation.


Formerly, How-to no. 37

Last modification: February 27, 2025